BMW Frankfurt Marathon

Video from the expert panel with Claudia Dreher now online – Join the running community!

The second of three expert panels about Marathon running and training with Joachim Lask in the BMW Frankfurt dealership was also a big success. In case you missed it, you can watch a short video from the event (in german).If you want to join the running community in the Rhein-Main area, you can earmark the following expert panels.On September 26th we welcome German running legend and Olympic Gold Medal winner Dieter Baumann. He will talk about “Countdown – the last weeks before the Marathon”. Both events take place in the BMW Frankfurt Niederlassung (Hanauer Landstraße 255) at 6.30 pm.Due to limited availability of seats we kindly ask you to make a reservation on the following website 

Photo: BMW Frankfurt Marathon/motion events


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