BMW Frankfurt Marathon

I run the BMW Frankfurt Marathon 2013: Today with Peter Unger

Peter Unger (©

How did you come to run?
As an absolute non-athlete I came to run by a note from my doctor in 1983, I should do something for my leg veins and jogging. After the birth of our son I  met my long-time, yet today's friend and running colleague Joachim. As viewers we saw together the first HOECHST Marathon (1985). There I could not imagine to survive such a thing. But with a lot of training, especially in the mountains of Hofheim (Taunus), I reversed it in 1987. Joachim was standing at the finish and was waiting for me, when I crossed the finish linie near the fairgrounds with a lot of wind.

Since when are you running marathons?
Since 1987, my first marathon was in 3:49 hours (as new starters you had to start ~ 15-20min after the start signal and there was no net time).

What fascinates you about the passion of 42.195 km?

It is the feeling to come to its limits more closely and to show your own worth. It is an incredible feeling to stand at the start line with thousands of other runners and to wait for the starting signal and then run with a lot of good music along the course, which gets under the skin.

How does your current running training work?
Currently I run three times a week: 1x interval 10-12km  flat, 1 x 11km wavy profile with our running club (Abgehts  09), 1x 15km comfortable (=> 27km in total). This increases up to the marathon at ~ 60km per week  (4-5 long runs in September - October with circumferences of 26-34 km). Besides, there are recreational sports: swimming, cycling, strength training and aerobics.

Would you recommend the BMW Frankfurt Marathon? If so, why?
Definitely yes, I can (must) recommend the Frankfurt Marathon because there is a wonderful track with a lot of street parties, a great organization and in the last few years, you realize that the Frankfurt Marathon develops. Of course I live in the area (Kriftel) and can travel by RMV, but I also think that Frankfurt is a good place for runners from other cities and countries (a good hub for traveling). As well as there are often  perfect running conditions with the "golden October".

What could be improved in Frankfurt?

At the start the speaker could be cheer us runners a bit more and could play better music (as along the course or in the finish area). Wehn you leave the finish area, this reminds me of the winter sales. It is very tight and and uncomfortable, because many family members or friends of the runner are here irrational and narrow the exit. Sure everyone is waiting for his love, but it would be great if, they are more relaxed.

What was your personal highlight?

The first marathon with our son Robert in 2010 in 3:28 hours. And there's another thing: the photo shoot for the key visual of the BMW Frankfurt Marathon 2011, which was also a great reminder. It was fantastic to be illustrated in the poster. 


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