Race photos
BMW Frankfurt Marathon is ranked 7th in Europe
The BMW Frankfurt Marathon has advanced in Europe in the number of finishers at position 7. For the record event on 30th of October 2011 12.438 runners had reached the finish in the festival hall, more than ever before. Just before the traditional race on Main, placed the Barcelona Marathon (12.469) and the Rome Marathon (12.614). The European finisher ranking is led by London (34.805), Berlin (32.816), Paris (30.648) and Stockholm (15.465). Wilson Kipsang missed last year with his time of 2:03:42 hours the world record of his Kenyan countryman Patrick Makau only at four seconds, the woman champion Mamitu Daska of Ethiopia ran with the new course record of 2:21:59 hours on the fifth place of the annual global ranking.