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There seems to be only one way to go for the BMW Frankfurt Marathon – and that is up!
„In all international marathon races it’s first and foremost about records and fast times of the top athletes, of course. But we have always believed that we also need to provide the best service for all the non-professional runners as well may they be ambitious athletes or the last ones to cross the finish line. Fulfilling the needs of all runners has been crucial for our success and we will continue striving to improve the BMW Frankfurt Marathon on every level and for every participant“, promises race director Jo Schindler.
„More than 26,000 registrations and the phantastic course records from Wilson Kipsang and Mamita Daska last year have shown us that we are heading in the right direction“, says Schindler. The roads in Frankfurt are Germany’s second fastest after the world record course in Berlin. Internationally, the incredibly fast time we saw last year from Wilson Kipsang (2:03:42) and Mamitu Daska (2:21:59) have propelled Frankfurt into the top ten – or ninth place to be precise.
According to race director Jo Schindler the BMW Frankfurt Marathon is ever more popular. As of mid-April more than 5.800 applications have been registered - 60% more than at the same time last year.
Since 2003 when the finish line was moved indoors inside the beautiful and famous Frankfurter Festhalle the Frankfurt Marathon has been a success story that is pretty unique in Germany. In 2011 the BMW Frankfurt Marathon was sold out for the first time in history with 15,210 registrations for the marathon distance. Additionally 7,000 runners (more than 1500 teams) took part in the VGF Marathon Relay. 3,200 kids enjoyed the Mini-Marathon (4.2 km) and even 1,100 of the youngest athletes eagerly raced the traditional „Struwwelpeterlauf“ over 420 meters.