BMW Frankfurt Marathon

Marathon (42,195km)

photos: organiser

28/10/2012 à 10h00 (Fermeture de la ligne d'arrivée à 16h15)

Retrait des dossards
Foire du 26 au 28/10/2012, hall 1, niveau 2
Vendredi, le 26/10/2012: 13h00 à 19h00
Samedi, le 27/10/2012: 9h30 à 18h30
Dimanche, le 28/10/2012: 7h00 à 10h00

Nos services
Les services suivants sont inclus dans votre droit d'inscription:

- confirmation de votre inscription par voie postale
- livret de programme
- service d'autobus (navette) le 28/10/2012 (parking-zone marathon)
- ticket RMV le 28/10/2012 (transports publics à Francfort)
- Pasta Party (repas + boissons)
- sac coureur avec équipement
- numéro de dossard
- médaille
- certificat provisoire (30 minutes après votre arrivée)
- excellent service de course
- douches
- massages
- soins médicaux
- entrée gratuite à la piscine Rebstockbad
- liste des résultats sur CD
- diplôme envoyé par la poste

Conditions (justement en anglais)
The BMW Frankfurt Marathon is organised in accordance with the regulations of the German Athletics Association and the IAAF, and is open to participants born in or before 1994. We point out that the conditions of participation are accepted by the participant by signing the entry form. The organiser or his representative and other authorised persons cannot be held responsible for any form of damage or injury incurred as a result of participation in the BMW Frankfurt Marathon and accompanying events, except in the case of the latter having caused these intentionally or as a result of grave negligence. This also applies to sponsors and the owners of private paths and their representatives. This exemption from liability also applies to accompanying persons.
I herewith declare that I am in a fit state of health and have trained to a sufficient standard. I agree to being withdrawn from the race should I be in danger of damaging my health. I agree to data on the registration form relating to myself being passed on to third parties (sponsors and media partners, Mika Timing cause timing, German Red Cross cause assistance, Caritasverband Frankfurt cause bounty and charity, cause pictures, MySports cause livestreaming), and any photographs, film material and radio and TV interviews that are made in conjunction with the BMW Frankfurt Marathon including those in advertising, books and photographic reproductions being passed and used without any claim to compensation on my part.
I confirm that the data I provided is correct, and that I will pass neither race number nor ChampionChip to another person. I am aware that altering the official race number in any way, in particular making the advertising illegible or unrecognisable and being accompanied by persons on sports equipment such as inline skates, bicycles etc.) will lead to disqualification.
Should I fail to participate or should the event not take place due to force majeure I am not entitled to reimbursement of the entry fee. The agreement shall be governed by the law of Germany.
Location of any legal proceedings: Frankfurt am Main (Note: in accordance with data protection laws your data will be stored on computers).

Changes of programme and services possible (status quo December 2011)


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